Korporatiivse otstarbega mehitamata lennuplatvormid, mis on loodud keerukate probleemide lahendamiseks teaduses, tööstuses, ehituses või maavarade kaevandamise valdkonnas, muutuvad tänapäeval Venemaal ja raja taga üha nõutumaks. Tarbijate nõudlusele vastav DJI pakub neile laia valikut mehitamata lahendusi erinevateks eesmärkideks ja ülesanneteks. Seejuures võivad nendeks lahendusteks olla mitte ainult mehitamata õhusõidukid ise, vaid ka terve komplekt lisaseadmeid ja tarkvaralahendusi.
International Defence Analysis (IDA) is an independent platform dedicated to sharing validated defense news, in-depth analysis, and comprehensive weapons acquisition reports from around the globe. With a significant following in South Asia, the Middle East, Turkiye, Africa, and Europe, IDA is trusted by renowned companies and their officials. Having served several defense exhibitions in diverse regions, IDA continues to be a pivotal resource for the global defense community.
ARGUN is an internationally recognized Czech manufacturer of bulletproof vests for top and concealed wear, bulletproof helmets, anti-shock kits and other equipment for the army, police and other security forces.
KVERTUS specializes in developing protection systems against UAVs, electronic warfare, and intelligence systems. Their cutting-edge tech is used in military, civil, critical infrastructure, combat zones, and private property protection. Since 2017, Kvertus has partnered with Ukrainian law enforcement, providing top-notch equipment.